Oh Snow! Surviving the “Beast from the East” with a baby

So this week has been a difficult one for us here in the UK, a big snow drift came in dubbed the “Beast from the East” and it’s safe to say I wasn’t the only one affected by it. Homes, roads, schools and businesses  were either snowed in and made unsafe. Our road got snowed in towards the later dates of the snow but even before that, I wouldn’t travel unless absolutely necessary. Being stuck in the house is no fun time especially with an easily bored 5-month-old so here’s how I coped.

In the house:

Hot beverages and Snuggly Blankets

There’s nothing better when you’re trapped in on a cold day than a big fluffy blankey and a big mug of tea to keep you warm; and I think little man enjoyed the blanket too.

Stocked up on easy to make and grab foods

This week I’ve basically lived on noodles and toast. Not the healthiest options but quick to make so I wasn’t leaving baby alone for too long.

Netflix and Social Media

Pretty self explanatory I’ve practically exhausted my to-watch lit on Netflix now and social media stopped me feeling isolated and allowed me to check up on friends and family.

Plenty of toys and mummy/baby time for the little one

This was both the most fun and the  most exhausting. My little man wanted constant attention this week anD we had to figure out new ways to keep him entertained. Our favourites: practicing to crawl and dancing along to Disney songs.

If we had to venture out:

Lots of layers – blankets, snowsuits and mittens for baby. Jumpers, hats and oversized coat for mummy

I love a good jumper the warmer/cozier the better. It came to my attention this week that my little one does not, but it was necessary. On the one occasion we decided to venture out I had to fight him into a snowsuit and mittens, as well as keep him covered when we went outside. 0/10 would not recommend lol

Plan your journey and don’t stay out longer than you have to

When I did go out I knew exactly where I needed to go and what I needed. Since it was snowing when we left I didn’t want to get caught up in it so explained to my other half to decide what he wanted before we left.

Fully charged phone for emergencies 

There’s nothing worse than something going wrong and not being able to contact people. It really puts me in panic mode.

Fully stocked nappy bag with spare clothes, medicines and everything we might need if we got stuck somewhere overnight

Luckily we didn’t need it but it was for peace of mind more than anything.


All in all the last week wasn’t ideal but knowing I couldn’t go anywhere made me really focus on how best to keep my little one happy. In this one week we managed to learn to sit up unassisted, choose a toy to play with and are almost crawling. So I think it wasn’t too bad a week for us at least.

Were you affected by the “Beast from the East” if so how did you cope? If you weren’t what would you have done? Comment below.

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25 thoughts on “Oh Snow! Surviving the “Beast from the East” with a baby

  1. Annabelle Harries says:

    We got some two inches snow on the Tuesday but after that it was just some wisps of snow every so often. The trains just didn’t exist though and one even got cancelled because of a 10 foot ice thing… Everyone kept panic buying though so there was never any bread or milk.

    Stayed in with the toddler though. She seemed to enjoy it as she got to watch a lot of TV and do lots of painting. Good advice – hopefully we won’t get hit again any time soon!


  2. Zana says:

    We were affected with snow storm last week. It was boring… I was doing almost the same to survive that crazy weather. But you are having your little best friend to spend time with and that is so precious! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jasmin N says:

    Loving your coping methods. The beast from the east didn’t really affect me, as you know – it’s a basic Wednesday here in Finland during the Winter, haha. Although, I can understand why everything & everyone loses their shit because of it in the UK. You’ll get that much snow once in a blue moon.
    I hope it’ll melt a bit there for you soon, makes everything a bit easier 🙂


  4. mummafeedme says:

    My little lady hates her snow suit too lol we got stuck about two miles from the house as our car wouldn’t make it up the hill! What a day, we had to carry her in her car seat as the pram was useless in the snow!


  5. Karoliina Kazi says:

    I come from a country where we have snow for many months and really, really cold winters so the little snow in London didn’t really bother me much – however, I do understand that in the UK houses, roads, airports etc aren’t really prepared for such weather so everything turns into such a mess. I’m glad the beast went away and proper spring can start now!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. thiscurvylife says:

    My friend is in Warwick, NY and they did similar things to prep and bought a generator as they don’t want to be without power for phones etc. I have to do the same to plan for a storm in the south where I live 🙂

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  7. Kintan says:

    Same as here in Germany too dear, we had a big snow chaos on last week and a week before. Thanks God that I don’t have any big plan to go on road with a car or a long journey. So, we tried to stay around at our area that we can just walk. Btw, you did a great prepared for your emergency situation. xo


  8. Dreamer Achiever says:

    When the cold hit us about a week ago we were in Geneva, Switzerland. Our flight was delayed with 7 hours because of the weather. When we arrived there was a bit snow and it was still 20 degrees warmer than in Finland. That snow kind of ruined my holiday photos but otherwise the weather wasn’t that ugly for us. 🙂 I’m happy to hear that you survived it and the baby too.

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  9. helenevlacho says:

    You really had a bad, cold weather lately! We are lucky though, this year here in Greece and especially in my place, didn’t have any snow day. Great suggestions dear, staying warm inside, watching some movies and series always help to fight the cold!.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. kanishka says:

    Oh, I really hope you all stay well! We never face such heavy snow but I can imagine because we have heavy rains and situations tend to be similar. You have to survive stock up and prepare for emergencies. But with a baby! ah I pray well that he is in his best moods ❤

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